Caring for your lawn in South West Florida comes with its share of difficulties. Based on a
by the IFAS extensions of the University of Florida, Florida Lawns typically go through numerous stresses from the environment. These stresses are extreme temperature, salinity, deficiency in nutrients, overwater, underwater, soil problems as well as excessive exposure to traffic or shade. Moreover, that excludes the lawn diseases and insects that can show up later. However, you don’t have to worry.
The professionals at
Service Green
know how to properly maintain and nurture your lawn so that it is not only bright and attractive but also enhances the environment instead of working against it.
Service Green’s
lawn care service
in LaBelle can help you to finally obtain a healthy and lush lawn that you will be proud of. The following
include what to expect from any type of lawn in Florida during every season of the year as well as several tips to address any troubles that you might face.
Crabgrass is a yearly warm-season type of weed. This implies that the grass performs very well whenever it is hot, and it will widely spread at anyplace that it can access water, bare soil as well as sunlight. If there are no proper techniques for prevention as well as frequent maintenance, the invasion of the crabgrass can rapidly get out of hand.
Also referred to as Pennywort, the Dollarweed is mainly a warm-season regular weed that is named after the appearance of the leaves which are silver in color and shaped like the dollar note.
Weeds that are among the family of the Kyllinga, typically possess a tinier texture of leaf and grow pretty well in lawns that have been mowed to be short (about a height of an inch or lower). They are plentiful in places with poor drainage or yards often holding a lot of water.
This summer wild plant sprouts during the late periods of spring. Because it comes with a leaf that has a shiny and rubbery texture, leaves of the Doveweed is usually confused with the Centipede grass and St. Augustine grass leaves.
Among the spurge family of grasses are the rapidly-growing weeds of the summer which grow at a very low level along the ground. Spurge is a pretty productive producer of seeds, and its plants become fully grown within some days whenever the weather is hot.
Also referred to as Gripeweed, it is a broadleaf and warm-season weed which can be seen growing in the early periods of summer. The weed tends to grow upright and also have a taproot that is properly developed.
The needs of your lawn change with each passing month as well as season. Although the specialists from
Service Green
can ensure that your lawn will remain healthy, there are some areas of lawn maintenance that will require your attention. The following tips will ensure that you are on the right path to keeping your yard healthy and lush.
Water the lawns down each time there are initial signs of drought stress, and keep on watering it all during the entire season. Indicators of the drought stress are brown, thin as well as folding grass.
Aerating the lawn in the early periods of June can improve the reaction of your lawn in the period summer stress.
to your specialist about the aeration
Service Green.
It is most beneficial to provide up to at least an inch of water to your lawn every week. Some local water authorities place restrictions on water usage, but you won’t have to worry about it during the rainy season, just during the dry season. As temperatures increase continuously, you should let the soil of your lawn to become several inches wet. If the lawn starts developing bare spots, you should speak to
Service Green
to get options for lawn plug.
Any time that the weather starts cooling down, you should minimize frequent watering.
You should minimize the frequency of mowing and avoid dropping the height of the mower.
Fallen leaves should be shredded around the grass to act as organic matter for the lawn.
If you utilize the irrigation system for the water needs of your plants, you should change its program to cater for the needs of winter watering.
During the Winter period, it’s normal for the warm-season lawn to have slow growth.
Winter is a great time to spend some time in preparing the lawn mower; examine the oil, inspect the driver belt as well as the blades.
Water the lawn according to its needs – Florida lawns really do not require much water in the cool months.
Keep an eye out for the
broadleaf weeds
of winter during your lawn treatments. If you notice any slight development of weed, you should contact a specialist from
Service Green
for post-emergent management alternatives.
During the end of the winter period, confirm that the blades of the mower are in sharp condition and that the condition of the mower is good.
Continue mowing and irrigate whenever it is necessary. Whenever the temperature of the weather starts increasing, the watering should be increased also.
You should look out for indicators of crabgrass and also discuss any weeds that start developing with your
Service Green
lawncare specialist.
If bare spots start developing in your lawn, you should talk to your specialist from
Service Green
for alternatives like a lawn plug. As spring persists, make sure to mow properly, taking out not more than a third of the blades of the leaf.
You should abandon all clippings in the lawn, unless there is a problem of a disease.
You should dethatch or rake out lawns that are coarse in the late periods of spring. If you allow the development of thatch it could lead to diseases as well as grass weakening.
Prior to summer, preventive measures should be taken to control the activities of
chinch bugs
(which becomes rampant in June).
The uniqueness of the grasses in Florida as well as the weather imply that your lawn will need some special maintenance. Let Service Green
help you
with all your lawncare needs. Together, we can create a beautiful lawn all year.
Our offers include
that employs appropriate seasonal weed treatments for the pre-emergent and post-emergent weeds.
We also have special fertilizers that will bring out the color of your lawn and make it grow properly. And our fertilizer treatments will also fortify your lawn against severe weather. In order to get a lawn which is healthy, you should plan frequent lawn service visits, and stick to the guidelines which are summarized above to help you attain the best results. Click
to receive our personal quote now.